Why choose ReadyEdit?

Safe hands for your project

Hello, I’m Erika Ready

I’ve been writing, training and editing for more than 20 years.

As a history graduate, teacher and analyst, I saw how words can shut people out … or bring them in.

I started ReadyEdit in 2018 to help others with their written projects.

Erika Ready headshot


  • education, disability and inclusion

  • travel and the environment

  • small-business needs

Different subject?

I edit, but you’re the subject expert.

I’m trained and experienced in editing a wide range of texts. Tell me about your project. If I can’t help, I’ll suggest someone who can.


  • Essential Copyediting (merit), Publishing Training Centre

  • Basic Proofreading (merit), Publishing Training Centre

  • MSc Software Development (merit)

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education

  • BA Honours History (2i)